Learning is the one path we are ALL on -whether we like it or not.

Being Human . . . very much like being a fish.


Important concepts our society is built on:


Approval from others is of highest importance.  Being physically close to others is safer.  Being alone is dangerous.


Society is essentially anti-social.  The things one has to do & be in order to not be cast out .  Society is always on the lookout for reasons to cast one out.  The individuals are essentially in fear of being cast out and the majority of their actions are gauged to gain acceptance and approval from others so as not to be cast out.


  From this comes being right / others are wrong

There is no defense against persistent good feeling toward, and acceptance of others.

There is a set number of mistakes, and we all make them sooner or later.

"Good Judgement comes from Experience.  Experience comes from Bad Judgement" - Will Rogers