Learning is the one path we are ALL on -whether we like it or not.

The Five Levels of Knowledge


These span from 'Don't Know' to 'Know About' to 'Know'.


Each level gives new and different understandigs of the subject. Each level gives increased understanding of the subject.


The first level is reading about, listening to.


The second level is repeating it back to someone else, discussing it, comparing notes, referring back to the source material, updating ones understanding at every opportunity, continuing to clarify one's duplication and understanding of the source materials. This ulitimately results in one being able to confidently and accuratly demonstrate to another the concepts, how they relate to each other and how this subject interact with other subjects.


The third level is applying the knowledge physically.


Using the new material is the only way to completely 'know'. There are understandings of a subject that cannot be realized without personal application and practical use of the new subject. Studying others accounts of what they learned while applying and using the subject are enlightening and worthwile study but will not deliver the understanding that comes from one's own practical application.


Additionally to the understandings that come from application there is a 'hard world grasp', a meaty feeling one gets. Its Physical. Its different from 'getting the idea'. Its stronger. It gives the subject substance and reality. It gives a Feeling.


It can be a difficult level as it 'proofs up' what one has learned and it often happens that 'it doesn't work like its supposed to'. Repeat: it OFTEN happens that 'it does't work liek its supposed to'. This can shake ones confidence. It appears to put one's judgement and self esteem at great risk. - Look at it this way:  you just found out that this subject is a LOT bigger than you thought.  In a way you are a new student.  Yes you have to go back to the beginning and restudy, find what you didn't get, rework all your ideas.  This is completly normal.  Realize too that the lesson(s) you are embarking on now would have been completely over your head when you were back at level 1.  A lot of the concepts WERE told to you then and you got a good hold on them, but there were important aspects that you completely missed. Everyone missed them. No matter how hard the teachers try to get those ideas through at level 1 they just don't appear to the student until level 3.  So don't sweat it.  Just knuckle down and learn level 3.


So restudy at level 3 and REAPPLY until you get it working smoothly time after time.


You learn a lot on level 3. Its much deeper than level 1 and 2.


A datum that is intended to make level 1 students traverse into level 3 easier is this:  "Study with the 'Intent to Apply'.  Ask oneself 'how can I apply this new material? How is it used and for what purpose?'


The fourth level is teaching another through levels 1, 2 and 3.


Each level gives different and deeper understandings of the subject.


The fifth level is Reflection, the one that never stops.  One continues to learn and apply new things about the subject. As time goes by its relationships shift, deepen and connect with other areas of study and knowledge.


There is 'active' reflection where you compare, contrast, think about the subject and its parts. And their is passive reflection where you let things come to you and you listen to them and sort them out.


One has to maintain the balance of 'knowing what you know' without 'knowing everything' about the subject. (Because 'knowing everything about a subject' creates an attitude that prevents any new information from getting through to you.)


There is no defense against persistent good feeling toward, and acceptance of others.

There is a set number of mistakes, and we all make them sooner or later.

"Good Judgement comes from Experience.  Experience comes from Bad Judgement" - Will Rogers